Sunday, December 29, 2019

DNF Shortcuts

Here are most of the dnf shortcuts:

  • in install
  • up upgrade
  • up-min upgrade-minimal
  • rm erase
  • se search
  • dg downgrade
  • grp group
  • rei reinstall
  • dsync distro sync
That's about it.

Comments and Motivation

So I read that the author of the dnf fork of yum included command shortcuts. I thought "Excellent, just my thing". Google failed me. The cli documentation did not mention them, much less list them. So hidden I only found them from the source. So here is a list to get into google maybe. Or just for me...whatever.
Many sites state that dnf is for "dandified yum". The author of the dnf fork of yum, Ales Kozumplik, stated in so many words that it stands for nothing. So just a backronym.
The list is short as most dnf commands have no short form. I have only listed the shortest of each. Why learn more than one?
These should not be confused with either the alias command of dnf or command competion which is also available.
These have not been tested at all. I am new to dnf. If your version is newer or older you may find more or that some of these have been removed. I am willing to fix this list on request. Mail is my name with dot at It would be better if they were in the fedora cli docs...

Chuck Sheehan 

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