Friday, March 29, 2024

Easter 2024 Plums


The last effort of the fruit salad tree above. It is now May and the tree has died from the graft up. There appear to be root suckers at the base. So it may grow back as a coppice, own root, plum. Or the root stock may not be a plum. We shall see.


Friday, March 8, 2024


I am seeing more predictions on the internet. Even though it is already March, I feel like jumping in with my own. Here are my predictions for the rest of 2024:

Donald Trump will not spend even one night in jail.

He will win the presidency in a landslide.

Congress will be split. 

The US Supreme Court will surprise many with an anti-gun ruling.

The worst natural disaster of the year for fatalities will kill 100,000 to 500,000.

There will be a wet bulb event with at least 1,000 dead.

No proof will be uncovered for UFO's, bigfoot, or lake monsters.

Every month in the year will be the hottest of that month ever.

North America will have the second worst fire season ever for area burned.

No nuclear bomb will be set off except underground tests.


OK that's ten. Let's see how I did next January.
